A very simple cocktail, with a very extravagant garnish.
Serves 2
For the rim
A big handful of marshmallows (do not use ones with a cornflour coating)
1 Tbsp butter
50g biscuit of your choice, crushed
Marshmallows & cocktail picks or toothpicks
For the drink
120ml vodka or gin
60ml chocolate liqueur
Lots of ice
Optional - 60ml of full fat milk or cream
Have your biscuits crushed and ready to go on a plate.
Place the marshmallows and butter in a small pot on low heat and allow to melt. Keep an eye on it as it can burn quickly. Transfer to a plate a very quickly roll the rim of your cocktail glass in it. Then immediately after, roll it in the crushed biscuits. Set aside while you make the cocktail.
Put the vodka, chocolate liqueur and ice (2 decent handfuls) as well as milk/cream if desired, into a cocktail shaker. Shake really well until most of the ice has dissolved, this is needed to dilute this very strong drink.
Strain cocktail into prepared glasses. Place a marshmallow on a cocktail stick or toothpick and place it on the edge of the glass. You can torch this if you like - be careful!